
Webinar Snowflake


Explore the power of modern data platforms using Snowflake as an example

Join us as we explore the world of modern data platforms and discover how Snowflake can help you manage the growing flood of data. In our webinar, we will analyze the critical challenges that organizations face today when it comes to managing big data and gaining valuable insights.

We will explore exactly how modern data platforms can help overcome these challenges. Specifically, we'll highlight how Snowflake can help you revolutionize your data strategy, maximize efficiency and unlock new business opportunities.


Why is this important?

Data is ubiquitous, but without the right tools, it remains untapped potential. A modern data platform enables companies to capture, analyze and visualize data in real time to make informed decisions. This leads to optimized business processes, improved customer service and innovative product development.

This part of the webinar highlights the unique benefits of Snowflake, such as its scalability without sacrificing performance, its cost efficiency through separate storage and compute resources, and its user-friendly interface. We will show you how to quickly integrate Snowflake into your existing infrastructure and start transforming your data strategy immediately.


Duartion: 1 Stunde

When? 03. May 2024, 11:00 am - 12:00

Language: German